Published on: February 28, 2013.

Meet Tai! She’s a globetrotting event planner who now calls Vancouver home. Originally from Brazil, her career path has touched on many continents and cities around the world. The one constant in her life? An airplane ticket is never far from her inbox. Air travel can take a serious toll on the body, but Tai has some mile high tips to ensure you arrive at your destination looking and feeling more fabulous than you did at takeoff.
“When it’s time to jump on a plane and fly for fun or for business, there are some essentials that I can’t go without. Packing my handbag is as important as packing my suitcase. My must-haves: lip butter, lotion, facial moisturizer, a good concealer, a pressed powder and a light blush. The recycled air in a plane is your worst enemy and will dry your skin right out. I reapply the lip balm, hand cream and facial moisturizer a couple of times during the flight. As soon as the brakes hit on the runway I know I’ve got the perfect amount of time to do one last application and makeup touch-up before we reach the gate.

Hydration is key both outside and in. My mom is a nutritionist and always taught me to drink coconut water before, during and after a flight. We’ve been drinking this in Brazil as long as I can remember. Beating jet lag is the last part of your battle, and your diet matters most here. Avoid consuming dairy and wheat the day of your flight and the first day at your destination. These are especially hard for your body to digest, making it more difficult to adjust to your new environment. Ease into your regular diet with light meals, and you’ll be feeling fab!
Bon voyage!”