Love Instagram? Love free stuff? Here’s a chance to win a Marvellous Manicure for you and a friend with our Instagram contest!

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How do I enter? 

1) Follow @frillylilly on Instagram.

2) Upload a pic of your manicure to Instagram and include “@frillylilly” in your caption (not as a photo tag).

What else do I need to know? 

The prize is 2 x Marvellous Manicures awarded to one winner.

A winner will be announced via Instagram on September 1.

Photos of your DIY manicure are also acceptable.

Multiple entries are accepted, as long as it’s a new mani photo each time!

Entries must be received via Instagram, they are not valid on any other social network.

Entrants must be from Canada (sorry US friends, we still love you!)

More questions? Contact us!